Welcome to More Life Royale!

Have you been diagnosed of a Chronic disease or are you living with a chronic illness? Don’t freak out. You are not alone.

General Consultation

Book a consultation with a healthcare professional for general medical concerns.

Home Care and Consultation

Receive medical care and consultation in the comfort of your own home.

Telemedicine (telephone Consultation)

Get medical advice and treatment remotely through our telemedicine service.

About More Life Royale

We are Registered In Ghana as a Healthcare Facility. Together we are campaigners, researchers, volunteers, patients, doctors, nurses, laboratory professionals and dedicated staff members who are passionate about Health and are leading the fight against chronic disease through Health Education and Alternative medicine.


Medical Specialist


Modern Rooms


Happy Patients

Our Medical Services


Comprehensive care and management for individuals with diabetes.


Specialized diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure.


Expert care and rehabilitation services for individuals recovering from a stroke.

Reproductive disorder

Expert care and rehabilitation services for individuals recovering from a stroke.


Multidisciplinary approach to address the complexities of obesity and its related health conditions.

Waist and leg pain

Expert diagnosis and treatment of conditions causing pain in the waist and legs.

Heart disease

Advanced treatment and rehabilitation services for individuals with heart conditions.


Comprehensive care and management for prostate health issues.


We’re Setting the New
Standards in Medical Sector

Mordern Technology

Certified Doctors

Success Of Treatment

    Make An Appointment


    Dorcas - Tema

    “I am a breastfeeding mother who was suffering from severe cough and took several cough mixtures but it still persisted so a friend told me to buy antibiotics and I started it until I met Dr Boateng of More Life Clinc . He asked me the type of antibiotics I was taking and i told him "Amoksiklav " He advised me that Amoksiklav is not good for breastfeeding mothers because it can pass through breast milk and harm the child. He suggested other alternative treatments that worked very well for me. I am grateful to God for this intervention.”

    Dorcas - Tema

    Rev. Dacosta - Achimota

    “I have been battling prostate Disease for the past 10 years. I have visited popular herbal facilities who claim to have a cure but i was disappointed. It rather became worse to the extent that, they had to insert a urine catheter before I could urinate. But the catheter was not fixed properly so urine was always leaking in my clothes. I was smelling very bad and couldn't go to public places or join public transport. It was very humiliating. It lowered my Dignity and Pride. People would often cover their nose and mouth or spit on the ground when I pass by them. I lost hope and almost gave up in life until I was introduced to More Life Clinic. When I visited them they welcomed me nicely, and gave encouragement. They advised me on my diet and suggested other alternative treatments that worked very well for me. I am not leaking urine or smelling anymore. I have regained my Pride and Dignity. Thank God that I met Dr Boateng of More Life Clinic”

    Rev. Dacosta - Achimota

    Abigail - Tema

    “I am a young mother of 3 beautiful kids. My oldest child is 13 years and the youngest is 4 years . One day I suddenly saw my legs swelling up to my ankles. I got frightened and began to wonder if it was a spiritual attack. My mother took me to a prayer camp and I stayed there for one month but my condition was becoming worse. My two legs had swollen up to my hips. So my husband heard of More Life Clinic and contacted him. Their Test results showed that i didn't control my hypertension properly so it has resulted in kidney and liver injuries. It was there that i remembered that i was diagnosed of having hypertension 5 years ago at 37 military hospital but my pastor said I wasn't having hypertension. Moreover, I have heard a lot of rumors about the side effects of the hypertension drugs. So I didn't take my hypertension drugs seriously. So I realized this was all my fault and it wasn't any spiritual attack. I was given a specialist Doctor for proper treatments that worked very well for me.”

    Abigail - Tema

    Daniel - ECG Koforidua

    “I had a very busy work schedule with Unhealthful eating habits. I got used to eating fast foods (takeaway or prepackaged) .eating on the run was my habit. I took more soft drinks and little water intake. I had Inconsistent meal patterns, particularly skipping breakfast. One day I started feeling sharp pains in my ribs like a sore. I went to my company's hospital for check up and they detected kidney stones. I was frightened to hear the news and started reading more about kidney stones online. I chanced on Dr Boateng of More Life Clinic and contacted him. He gave me advice on my diet and lifestyle of which i followed religiously and that helped me to pass out the stones. I am grateful to God for giving us More Life Clinic”

    Daniel - ECG Koforidua

    Benjamin  -  Accra

    “My father died of prostate cancer so I got frightened when I also started having difficulties in urinating. I started buying any prostate medicine that was advertised for 8 years with the hope to cure my condition but it eventually became worse. I then realized that the self medications were not helping me so I had to go the hospital for proper care. Little did I know that if I had delayed further to see a specialist, I would have damaged my kidneys. When I was on my way to visit More Life Clinic, My urine flow got completely blocked. My bladder was full with urine and my lower abdomen was Swelling. I was in severe pains that I will never forget. I thought that was the end of my life. Thankfully Dr Boateng came to my rescue. I am now able to urinate freely. My advice to everyone is that, don't waste time when you notice any symptoms in your body. Go to the Mors Life Clinic as soon as possible. Also, don't wait to get sick before you go for body check up .”

    Benjamin - Accra

    fire officer

    Dominic - Airport

    “I work at the airport so when the corona virus pandemic broke out, I got very scared because i always deal with travelers and foreigners and so my risk of catching the corona virus disease was very high. To prevent getting infected by the corona virus disease, i started preparing concoctions from neem tree and other herbs and drinking them every day until one day, i became so weak , lost appetite and couldn't sleep. I was rushed to the hospital and my lab tests revealed that I had gotten liver injury. All my liver enzymes were extremely high .they did all laboratory investigations to find out whether my liver injury could be caused by hepatitis B, C, HIV or any other infection but they couldn't find anything so they didn't put me on treatment. So I started reading more about Liver disease online and I found Dr Boateng of More Life Clinic. He advised me on the dangers of self medication and how it causes liver disease. He suggested other alternative treatments that worked very well for me. I have now regained my strength . I have also started education my colleagues about self medications. Thanks to More Life Clinic for the support.”

    Dominic - Airport

    James - Dubai

    “I got employment in an oil company in Dubai so I traveled there. Upon arrival, the company requested for medical check up to be sure that I am healthy before I start work. The results broke my heart. It showed that I was hepatitis B positive with high viral load . So my company asked me to Go back to Ghana for treatment and come back after treatment. I was so devastated. An indian friend recommended that I should be taking cow dang and cow urine to cure my hepatitis B. Because I was so determined to treat it, i was taking cow dang and urine everyday but i didn't see any improvement so i stopped and started chasing popular herbal clinics that were being advertised on Radio and on TV . I even traveled to kumasi to seek for treatment but I ended up spending all my money without getting any improvement. All hope was lost until my father heard of Dr Boateng of More Life Clinic. He gave me intensive education and counseling . I was so relieved. It was as if a heavy load has been removed from my shoulders. He also suggested other alternative treatments that worked very well for me. Now My hepatitis B viral load test was “undetected “ and when I showed my latest viral load test results to my company in Dubai, the company agreed that i can come back to Dubai and work whiles i continue my treatment. I Am grateful to Dr Boateng and More Life Clinic. God will continue to bless them.”

    James - Dubai

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